
    名稱 :


    分類 :泥漿泵
    描述 :NL係列水力挖填機組是河道 、漁池開挖 、清淤的理想土方工程機械 ,具有價格低 、質量好 、操作簡便 、施工不受天氣影響等優點
    來源 :禹州市bet360機械製造有限公司


    用途 :NL係列水力挖填機組是河道 、漁池開挖 、清淤的理想土方工程機械 ,具有價格低 、質量好 、操作簡便 、施工不受天氣影響等優點 ,機電兩用 ,特別是大型機械不便施工的場地 ,更能發揮其獨特的作用 。機組中的泥漿泵也可單獨用於排灌 ,吸送糞便 ,吸取河沙及其他濃稠液 、汙濁液等 。

    Digging and Filling Machine Sets driven by machanical power

    Uses: NLseries machine sets are the most ideal machines for digging river couses and fishponds,and clearing up slurry. The slurry pump of the set can also be used in irrigation and drainage ,delivering excrement, and the suction of sand, as well as other thickened and dreggy liquids.

    Adantages: 1. this set is with low price and high quality. 2. it is efficient and simple to operate3. its performance would not be affected by weather 4. it can be driven both by electrical power and machanical power. 5. especially, it can be some special situations where large Machinery can not beused.

    Main Technical Parameters
